Least Bittern by Evelyn Ralston
Chipping Sparrow by Evelyn Ralston
Prothonotary Warbler by Evelyn Ralston
Indigo Bunting by Evelyn Ralston
Common Grackle by Evelyn Ralston
Barred Owl by Scott Young
Common Merganser by Evelyn Ralston
Red Headed Woodpecker by Evelyn Ralston
This walk will focus on early migrators. We will meet in the parking lot on Zion Rd. The trails are grassy/natural surface, so plan your footwear accordingly, especially if it has rained recently. The trail is approximately two miles and includes two ponds. Mentor: Stephen Davies All children must be accompanied the entire time by an adult. Reservations are required via http://tinyurl.com/YMBCSpring24 If you are interested in being a mentor or learning more about it, please contact us at [email protected].