Least Bittern by Evelyn Ralston
Chipping Sparrow by Evelyn Ralston
Prothonotary Warbler by Evelyn Ralston
Indigo Bunting by Evelyn Ralston
Common Grackle by Evelyn Ralston
Barred Owl by Scott Young
Common Merganser by Evelyn Ralston
Red Headed Woodpecker by Evelyn Ralston
No reservations needed! This trip we’ll be looking for late warblers and shorebirds. Meet at the parking lot on Zion Rd at 7 am. No facilities. LEADER: Dave Powell [email protected]
THIS TRIP IS FULL. On a morning walk, we’ll look for Cliff Swallows building mud nests beneath this bridge in the northeastern part of the county. We will also explore wooded trails on WSSC property bordering the reservoir to observe other possible breeding birds including Scarlet Tanager, flycatchers, and thrushes. Be prepared for bright sunlight at the bridge and possible biting insects in wooded areas. Trip will be cancelled in case of heavy rain or thunderstorms. LEADER: Cheryl Hogue at [email protected].
Meet at Riley's Lock. A parking lot is available at the end of Riley's Lock Road off of River Road. The walk will cover approximately 2 miles on the towpath and some grassy/natural trail areas. Plan your footwear accordingly. All children must be accompanied the entire time by an adult. Bring your binoculars. Reservations required via SignUpGenius https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409094ba5aa2da4fd0-summer#/ Contact [email protected] with questions. Limit: 10 youth. Mentor Leaders: Dave Powell and Nathan Tea