Least Bittern by Evelyn Ralston
Chipping Sparrow by Evelyn Ralston
Prothonotary Warbler by Evelyn Ralston
Indigo Bunting by Evelyn Ralston
Common Grackle by Evelyn Ralston
Barred Owl by Scott Young
Common Merganser by Evelyn Ralston
Red Headed Woodpecker by Evelyn Ralston
THIS IS A ZOOM MEETING. Relax, meet other members, and make new birding friends over wine and cheese. Then sharpen your visual and auditory bird identification skills for the traditional Bird Quiz that will be presented by the Club’s VP Scott Young. If you have any ambiguous bird photos with corresponding good, decisive shots, please forward them to Scott at [email protected]. He will use them as part of the quiz. Other suggestions to make this annual pre-holiday, social meeting extra fun will be appreciated!