Least Bittern by Evelyn Ralston
Chipping Sparrow by Evelyn Ralston
Prothonotary Warbler by Evelyn Ralston
Indigo Bunting by Evelyn Ralston
Common Grackle by Evelyn Ralston
Barred Owl by Scott Young
Common Merganser by Evelyn Ralston
Red Headed Woodpecker by Evelyn Ralston
THIS RIP IS FULL. Discover upper Rock Creek’s watershed with a variety of habitats. We will start along open fields and marshy areas next to Bowie Mill Park with the opportunity to see a variety of sparrows, hawks, and fall migrants. The 2020 list included 8 species of sparrows including Fox, White-crowned, Swamp, and Savannah Sparrow. For those wanting a longer foray, a 4-mile loop that includes the stream valley will be possible and likely we will see woodpeckers and other resident woodland species. The path at this point along Rock Creek is meandering and narrow with some steep sections. Limit: 8. Start at 8 a.m. at Bowie Mill Park (https://www.montgomeryparks.org/parks-and-trails/bowie-mill-local-park/) next to Sequoyah Elementary School with the option to do the shorter paved walk or the longer loop. For reservations (required) and more information, contact Josephine Cox at [email protected] or 240-506-1723.