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2:45 to 6pm Bundle up for LATE AFTERNOON search for wintering sparrows and raptors, including possible Northern Harriers and Short-eared Owls. This trip is caravan style. Mostly open terrain with some ponds, which we will check if they are not frozen over. Reservations required at least a week ahead of the trip for names to be submitted to the county. All parties must enter and exit the landfill together, so latecomers/leaving early cannot be accomodated. This trip is best for youth ages 8 and up due to frequency of getting in and out of the car. Mentors: Mark England and Stella Tea. Reservations are required via https://tinyurl.com/YMBCWinter45. Please note that guardians are responsible for their youth during the entirety of the trip and must stay with them during this time.

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