For a long time, Australian mammals and birds were considered “inferior”. Over the past 50 years however, it has been established that songbirds and several other bird families in fact originated and evolved in Australia, explaining their diversity and specificity and the importance of the austral continent for birds. Evelyn wasn’t aware of this when she landed in Sidney in 2012, joining a long-time friend for a 16-day trip. From the first day she was smitten with the abundance and exuberance of the Australian avifauna and the beauty of the land. She birded with volunteer guides and on her own around Sidney, Melbourne, Ayer’s Rock (Uluru) and Darwin and ended up viewing and photographing a little under 200 bird species. From the huge Emu to the small Weebill, she will share with you a selection of her favorite encounters including the iconic Kukaburra(s) and other kingfishers, parrots, pigeons, honey-eaters, finches and the small songbirds referred to as Australian warblers. And a few kangaroos, of course.