Events Calendar

APRIL 2025

April 6 (Sunday) – YMBC WALK

 7:30 to ~10am We will meet in the parking lot at the end of Pennyfield Lock Road off of River Road. When you get to the end of the road, turn left and follow it to the parking area. The walk will cover approximately 2 miles on the towpath and some grassy/natural trail areas. Mentors: Dave Powell and Andy Martin.

Reservations are required via Please note that guardians are responsible for their youth during the entirety of the trip and must stay with them during this time.

 APRIL 9 (Wednesday)

For something a little different, join us at Violette’s Lock for a leisurely morning walk (10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) in search of early spring wildflowers. We’ll scan the towpath edges and take the side paths toward the river, hoping to find not only violets but also spring beauties, bluebells, trillium, and other plants that sustain insect life and produce the fruit that birds depend on. Limit: 10. LEADERS: Moira Davenport at [email protected] and Karen Cyr.

APRIL 13 (Sunday) 

Half day. Expected species include Red-headed Woodpeckers, Wood Ducks, Blue-winged Teal, and many other marsh-dwellers. A chance for several warblers including Prothonotary. Meet at 7 a.m. in the parking lot. Limit: 12. LEADER: Lauren Carey at [email protected]. Gaurav Kapoor will co-lead.

APRIL 22 (Tuesday)

Celebrate Spring and Earth Day along the shady, lush, and birdy northern end of the Sligo Creek trail. We’ll begin at the stormwater pond by the Sligo trail at Kemp Mill to see whether waterfowl, herons, and wading birds are about (and also visit the ponds at Dennis Avenue if time permits). This area is good for songbirds, especially thrushes, vireos, and warblers. We’ll walk mostly on paved trails, covering upwards of 3 miles. Meet in the parking lot at the Lamberton Shopping Center (off Arcola Drive in the Kemp Mill neighborhood) at 7:30 a.m. Limit: 12. LEADER: Angela Atwood-Moore at [email protected].

APRIL 23 (Wednesday), 7:30 p.m.
Gerry Hawkins presents “Wildlife and Evolution on the Galapagos Islands”

Inspired by a trip to the Galapagos Islands in October 2024, Gerry will discuss wildlife and evolution on this world-renown destination, with a focus on endemic species and subspecies of birds, mammals, and reptiles. The discussion of birds will cover the 17 endemic species known as Darwin’s finches, which have historical importance in the field of evolutionary biology because they are a prominent and well-studied example of adaptive radiation. They were the first birds in which natural selection, the principal mechanism of evolution, was observed and studied as it happened in the wild.

Gerry is a retired business lawyer whose avid interests include birds and history. He is a member of the MD/DC Records Committee and a former member of the Virginia Avian Records Committee, an eBird reviewer for Maryland, and an author of several articles published in recent years in ornithological journals.

APRIL 26 (Saturday) 

THIS TRIP IS FULL.  WAITLIST ONLY.  We’ll begin with a view of the Great Blue Heron and Black-crowned Night Heron rookeries on the island and then walk the shoreline to see other waterbirds and local breeders. The path is flat and easy walking, making it a great trip for new birders. Meet at 7:30 a.m. at the Lake Whetstone dock in Montgomery Village. Limit: 10. LEADER: Lauren Carey at [email protected].

 APRIL 30 (Wednesday)

Join us as we explore this wooded state park. We’ll have a good chance of warblers, thrushes, vireos and more! Meet 8 a.m. at the Howard Chapel Road parking lot. Due to the narrow trails, participant limit is 6. For more information contact the LEADER: Stacy Rabinovitz [email protected]

MAY 2025

MAY 1 (Thursday) 

Spring is the time to listen for and learn to identify the songs and calls of migrant and local breeding birds. Trip geared to new birders. We’ll take the towpath upstream to the watered impoundment listening for songs and calls. Limit: 6. Meet at 7 a.m. at the Pennyfield parking lot. LEADER: Leo Dilling at [email protected].

MAY 3 (Saturday)

THIS TRIP IS FULL.  WAITLIST ONLY.  Come discover this lovely park during spring migration. We’ll expect to see lots of migrants as they pass through the park, including many warblers. Meet in the parking lot at 7:30 a.m. Limit: 12. LEADER: Anne Mytych at [email protected].

 MAY 4 (Sunday) 

THIS TRIP IS FULL.  WAITLIST ONLY.  Half day. The B-CC Chapter is generously providing us access to this large private property with woods, hedgerows, streams, fields, and ponds. Meet at 7 a.m. at the League’s Chapterhouse. Limit: 10. LEADER: Emily Huang at [email protected].

MAY 9 (Friday) 

This Montgomery Parks facility is usually closed to the public. Parks staff and volunteers will lead us through the native plant gardens, whose spring wildflowers should be reaching their peak bloom, as we discuss the Farm’s unique horticultural program. The Farm’s diverse bird life includes spring migrants and possible orioles, chats, and other arriving summer residents. Registration is required for entrance to the Farm. Limit: 15. LEADER: Jackie Raiford at [email protected].

MAY 10 (Saturday) 

We’ll explore this location for some spring early morning birding on the west side of Route 28 ( Limit: 10. LEADER: Scott Young at [email protected]. Dave Roberts will co-lead.

MAY 11 (Sunday) 

Half day. We’ll explore diverse habitats including a complex of cultivated ponds with rare waterlilies and lotuses, marshes, wooded trails, fields, and the Anacostia River. A variety of raptors, warblers, vireos, thrushes, and flycatchers are expected, with possible rails and bitterns. Meet in the parking lot at 8 a.m. Limit: 15. LEADERS: Gerry Hawkins at [email protected] and Emily Huang at [email protected].

MAY 14 (Wednesday)

Half-day trip. We’ll start at the Blue Mash Nature Trail and then drive over to the Oaks Landfill to look for raptors, Blue Grosbeaks, and possible Dickcissels and Grasshopper Sparrows. Meet at 7 a.m. at Blue Mash. Limit: 12. LEADER: Mark England at [email protected].

MAY 15 (Thursday)
Annual MBC Social at Woodend (in-person only)

Join us on Thursday, May 15, for our annual social at the Woodend headquarters of Nature Forward, 8940 Jones Mill Road, Chevy Chase.  Smokey Glen Farm of Gaithersburg will cater this delicious dinner – please bring an appetizer to share!

The evening begins with a social hour at 6:00 PM, with dinner at 7:30 PM.  After dinner entertainment will feature our traditional recognition of the Guest of Honor, followed by brief, but awesome, slide shows by our members.   For those interested in presenting in the slide show, send up to 8 digital bird photos to Mark England ([email protected]) in preferred order.

Space is limited!

We need to receive both the paid reservations and photo submissions no later than May 1.

Once again, we have a convenient online reservation system.  Reserve your spaces online; then opt to pay either by credit card or by mailing a check. To reserve, go to:

 MAY 18 (Sunday) 

THIS TRIP IS FULL.  WAITLIST ONLY.  We will be looking for warblers and other migrants on the Wilson Mill and Kingsley Trails. Possible Kentucky Warbler. We’ll meet at 8 a.m. at the parking area for Wilson Mill Trail at Limit: 8. LEADERS: Katie Moore at [email protected] and Paul Orsinger at [email protected].

MAY 26 (Monday) – YMBC WALK

On Memorial Day we will be checking out White’s Ferry, a new location for the YMBC. We will meet at the parking lot on White’s Ferry Rd (39°09’18.5″N 77°31’05.5″W) and be birding in the vicinity on natural surface areas. Mentors: Carla Morris and Stella Tea. Reservations are required via Please note that guardians are responsible for their youth during the entirety of the trip and must stay with them during this time.


On a morning walk, we’ll look for Cliff Swallows building mud nests beneath this bridge in the northeastern part of the county. We will also explore wooded trails on WSSC property bordering the reservoir to observe other possible breeding birds including Scarlet Tanager, flycatchers, and thrushes. Be prepared for bright sunlight at the bridge and possible biting insects in wooded areas. Trip will be cancelled in case of heavy rain or thunderstorms. Limit: 10. LEADERS: Cheryl Hogue at [email protected] and Paul Orsinger at [email protected].

MAY 31 to JUNE 1 (Saturday to Sunday) 


Two-day trip. We’ll visit two MOS sanctuaries during spring migration. Saturday: Carey Run and the Chandler and Eleanor Robbins sanctuaries with established trails and a variety of habitats. Sunday: Nature Conservancy’s Finzel Swamp, a unique peatlands home to an unusual range of plants, mammals, and birds. Limit: 12. LEADERS: Jo Cox at [email protected] and Moira Davenport at [email protected].

JUNE 2025

JUNE 1 (Sunday)

Join us for a morning walk as we explore the meadow and wood edges of this lightly visited park. We’ll be looking for Indigo Buntings, Orchard Orioles, Scarlet Tanagers, and plentiful warblers. Meet at 7 a.m. in the parking lot. Limit: 10. LEADERS: Lisa Norwalk at [email protected] and Cheryl Hogue at [email protected].

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